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Horse Gram

Horse Gram

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₹225   Min Order Limit: 1
Total Price : ₹225

Horse gram (Macrotyloma uniflorum) is a pulse crop widely cultivated and consumed in India since ancient times, and native to the south-east Asian subcontinent and tropical Africa. The US National Academy of Sciences has identified this legume as a potential source food for the future, thanks to its exceptional nutrition profile, drought-resistance and general hardiness.

Horse gram is the most protein-rich lentil found on the planet. It is very high-powered. That’s why race horses are fed with this gram, which is called horse gram in the market.

Horse gram is a superfood in its own right. Horse gram may not be inviting by the sound of it but its qualities are undeniably wonderful.

It is hign in iron, calcium and protins. In fact, horse gram has the highest calcium content among pulses and is one of the richest vegetarian sources of protein low in fat and high in carbohydrate content low in lipid and sodium content, and its slow digestible starch make ideal for diabetic and obesity patients. 

Price : 225 per 1000gms

Shipping : 1 day.